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Jupiter in Politics means conformity with thinking process, beliefs, traditions and value system of voters. In Astrology, Jupiter is exalted in Cancer which is ruled by moon (Exalted means a planet can achieve its highest potential). Moon rules mind. A Politician or a Political Party is said to have a strong Jupiter if he/it can clearly figure out the mindset of its voters and can orient its Ideology accordingly. Its important to mention a Marketing concept named Market Segmentation here. Market Segmentation (Voter Segmentation in Politics) is the process of dividing total number of Voters into subsets of voters sharing common characteristics. A good segmentation strategy ensures that the sub-segment chosen is big enough to produce favorable results. I have studied the segmentation strategies of all the Political Parties in detail and can safely conclude that BJP and AAP have the best Segmentation strategies in Indian Politics. Both have built their ideologies around the thinking processes, belief sets of a big/profitable sub-set of Voters. On the contrary, the biggest problem with Congress Party is that they are they have a less coherent Voter Segment. They need to figure out a coherent/big enough vote bank instead of fragmented small sized Vote banks to lift up their Jupiter. Individual Politicians can lift up Jupiter in their Horoscopes by continuously analyzing thinking processes, value and belief systems of voters (sub-sets/coherent/big enough to produce favorable results) in their constituency and orienting their image/works/speeches/selection of issues with respect to these parameters. My Political Marketing Plans for individual Politicians are always loaded with Jupiter oriented strategies, as this acts as a potent remedy even if Jupiter in their personal horoscopes is not in a good position. Keep reading/visiting my blog. I can be contacted at chanakyashaala@gmail.com, 91-9779883347. www.chanakyaneeti.com. Kujnish Vashisht, Political Marketing Consultant/ Political, Business, Career Astrologer/ Author.

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